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RSD 1200.00

Neša Bridžis "Life"

Akademija 28, Belgrade
Friday, May 17th
18:00 – 19:00


Explore the charming world of Neša Bridžis in the play Life is a Mini Autobiography. This charismatic Serbian comedian offers a unique perspective on the world around us through the lens of his own life. Delicately exploring ordinary people, their characters, and subtly recognizing all that makes us unique. With warm touches of humor, Neša will take you on a journey through the past, present, and future, illuminating the reflections of people you didn't even know, yet are already part of your life. This unforgettable performance, staged over 200 times, gives you the opportunity to dive into the world of laughter and introspection. Tickets are now on sale, and since there is always great interest in this show, hurry and secure your place at a night full of humor and warmth with Neša Bridžis!

For company, Music, Exhibitions, Concert, Festival

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